ADELΦΟS | EVOO, dolphins and symbolisms

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Let’s talk about the story of this beautiful label that tells a tale of Greece, the Mediterranean summer, and light.


Dolphins are mysterious creatures that bare ancient, vital vibrations from the oceans. The name “dolphin” comes from the Greek word “delphis” which means “womb”. We find them worshiped in ancient matriarchic societies where the epicenter of the Divine essence, was Mother Earth. One of these societies, was also the Minoan.

In the global folklore tradition, they are often deemed as “brothers of man”, that is, creatures that share the ultimate bond: the same womb. This belief, reveals the mutual attraction between humans and this special mammal. Also the friendship and companionship that those brilliant creatures altruistically offer towards human and other beings, guides as to the essence of brotherhood.

After all, don’t all living beings of this planet share the same cosmic womb of creation? Aren’t we all truly brothers and sisters? Brothers with each other, with nature and with everything that nourishes us body and soul?

The Greek Poet Oppian from Cilicia, during the 2ο century A.D., mentions in his scriptures: «Nothing more divine was ever created than dolphins, because they really once were humans living in the cities amongst the mortals. They traded land though, for the sea and the took the form of fish. Until today, the virtuous spirit of man that exists in them, protects human thought and human works».